Monday, June 26, 2017



It's the fifth chapter of the alien robots and supposedly the last from Michael Bay. As always critics hate it, but people still flock to the cineplexes to watch it. It's also the first film to be shot entirely in IMAX 3D.

This one dates back to the time of King Arthur & Merlin, where the autobots transform to who-knows-what ? Apparently the alien-bots are somehow connected to the Arthurian legend and have been interacting with humans since then. They even fought during World War I & II. There's also a secret society which keeps the robots' actions secret, and where Sir Edward Burton (Sir Anthony Hopkins) is the last living member.  So many elements in the story are incoherent.  Alas, Earth's real name is, not as we know it but, Unicron ?????

Okay the plot doesn't make sense right ? But what Michael Bay have in these films is what people watch out for - massive explosions, stunning visuals, and hard-core action ! It's like there's no limit to the production budget ($ 200 million).

Starring Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Laura Haddock, Josh Duhamel, & Isabela Moner among others. This is the biggest and loudest film in the series ! If you're a fan of these mechanical aliens, you might just love it ! Now playing !

Monday, June 12, 2017

THE MUMMY - Mixed feelings.


The first in a series of films which will make up Universal
Pictures' Dark Universe. Instead of superheroes, Universal is putting together its horrific monsters & creatures in the same universe. The unstoppable Tom Cruise stars as Nick Morton, a soldier of fortune who together with his buddy (Jake Johnson) accidentally unravels an ancient mummy under the ruins of Mesopotamia (now Iran) and awakens a cursed princess from centuries ago. Ahmanet was next in line to her father's throne, but when the king's new wife gave birth to a baby boy. Ahmanet was set aside. She conspired with some evil powers and eliminated those who obstruct her ascent to the throne. For her crimes, she was entombed for eternity.

Tom Cruise, despite his 54 years, can still do things some 20 year-olds can only imagine. He can still run fast, drive fast cars, and jump in & out of airplanes. While Sofia Boutella has always been a sight to behold. She's been consistent with her work since Kingsmen : The Secret Service, and Star Trek Beyond. But she needs more screen time. Btw, Russell Crowe makes a short appearance as Dr. Henry Jekyll. 

Though the film has several stunning action scenes like the extended plane crash, it lacks in character development.
It makes you feel something is "missing". There was so much focus on setting up the dark universe, but lacking in the story itself. The premise is good, but they could have done something more. I am hoping that the next films in this franchise will do better.

Monday, June 5, 2017

WONDER WOMAN - A real Wonder !


Gal Gadot first came out as Wonder Woman in the widely-panned BATMAN v SUPERMAN last year. Several critics lashed out on the movie for varied reasons. One thing they all agreed though was that everyone was excited to see the Amazon Princess on the silver screen for the first time. She nearly stole the show from the two male superheroes.

Comic book fans eagerly awaited the solo outing of Wonder Woman. After so many directors, writers, and actors rumoured to be part of the project, the time has come when WW arrived in cineplexes. She didn't disappoint ! Early reactions from advance screenings were mostly positive, saying the movie was great ! Finally a DCEU movie that critics loved !  Rotten Tomatoes gave it a certified fresh rating of 96% (initially).

WW tells the origin story of the titular character from the time she was a little girl up to when she realized her full potential. There were many instances in the film where I found myself feeling mesmerized ! Themyscira island is breath-taking ! The amazons are fantastic ! And Diana is like a breath of fresh air. Everytime Gal Gadot is onscreen, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She brings charm, beauty, hope, courage, innocense, intelligence, and fierceness to her character. Everything a Wonder Woman should be !

Chris Pine, who could well be a leading superhero, agreed to play second-fiddle (love interest) to Gal Gadot. But he managed to bring enough substance to his role that you would likely relate to him. They have great onscreen chemistry  ! I especially loved their convos in the bath and on the boat. 

WW is now breaking box office records all over the globe. Credits go to the director Patty Jenkins, the writers Allan Heinberg, Zack Snyder, & Jason Fuchs, and of course the actors Gal Gadot., Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, etc. Congratulations to Warner Bros. Pictures for bringing us this wonderful film !

I'm gonna go watch this again ! If I could describe WW in one sentence ? She's truly a WONDER !

Sunday, June 4, 2017

BAYWATCH - back to the beach !


A popular tv series back in the 90s which featured sexy lifeguards frolic on the beach and save lives. I was an avid viewer until the show wrapped up. Hey ! Just looking at those bodies was heaven for me. Okay so much for throwback.

Now there's a new movie with the same name, different cast, but surprise, same characters' names. The similarity ends there though. They have all been updated to the present time.
Dwayne Johnson is Mitch Buchannon, the leader of the group. While Zac Efron plays Matt Brody, a former Olympic champion swimmer. As always, Dwayne delivers the hard action and comedy. His jabs on Zac are some of the funniest in the film. Efron on the other hand, is not to be outshined. He makes a good match to Johnson, and shows off his toned body for everyone to see. The ladies, Alexandra Dadario &  Kelly Rhorbach provides the sexy bikini babes with their trademark red suit.

The plot deals with drugs and a new threat to takeover the beach. Former Miss World 2000 Priyanka Chopra plays Victoria Leads, the baddie here. The movie has some silliness in it, much like the tv show. But what matters is that these sexy lifeguards are back on the beach, with a great deal of comedy and action. Fans of Baywatch (tv show) will enjoy this ! Directed by Seth Gordon. Rated R.

It takes a spy to hunt one. Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender star in new spy thriller “The Black Bag”

  Opens in PH cinemas April 2 From director Steven Soderbergh comes the gripping spy drama, Black Bag, where legendary intelligence agents a...