Thursday, September 8, 2016

PETE'S DRAGON - A classic updated and expanded.


I have seen the original film way back 1977, but I can only recall a few
details since it's been so long. Now Disney has updated and expanded the story of a boy who's bestfriend happens to be a dragon.

This one starts with how the boy ended up in the woods, left alone in the dark surrounded by predators. And then fast forward six years later where a kindly forest ranger is doing her rounds.

Bryce Dallas Howard gives a solid performance as Grace, the mother figure; while Oakes Fegley is effective as the boy Pete.
Elliott the dragon is more like your favorite pet dog, only bigger and with wings.

This is a charming remake of an almost forgotten classic which will tug at your hearts and make you cry, in a good way.
Another gem in Disney's animation turn to live action.
Directed by David Lowery. Produced by Walt Disney Pictures.

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