Wednesday, November 14, 2018

OVERLORD - a bloody gory fest that's fun to watch !

OVERLORD is a mix of war action/adventure and horror/zombie flick. A group of American soldiers were sent to Nazi-occupied France to destroy a German radio transmitter atop a church. They joined forces with a local French woman to take down the tower. But underneath the tower, the Nazi's were making experiments with the dead, turning them into super strong zombie-like creatures.

The cast is made up of young, mostly unknown actors like Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell (son of Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn), Mathilde Olivier, etc. They are charming enough to warrant some attention, and audiences were cheering for them whenever they kicked some zombie's ass.

There are no big-name stars since the action scenes are the stars of this show. The monsters are not the slow-walking zombies, but more like the fast and strong creatures of World War Z. There's lots of blood, death, and limbs exploding all-over, but they were made in a way that's fun to watch ! It's a bloody gory fest that will make you feel like you're in an arcade game. Produced by J. J. Abrams and Directed by Julius Avery. Rated R.  From Paramount Pictures.


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