Saturday, April 13, 2024

GHOSTBUSTERS FROZEN EMPIRE Plenty Of Fan Service, But Is It Too Much, Too Many ?


Ghostbusters Frozen Empire  brings together the old and the new set of Ghostbusters, creating a sense of pure nostalgia for fans. Seeing Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, & Ernie Hudson again sure brought us back to the 80s. But is their presence enough ? The new batch of Ghostbusters which we've seen from Afterlife are capable of handling the tasks, and Grace McKenna made another good impression.    

While the first half of the movie may feel slow, the second half picks up with some good points. When the ancient orb was revealed, and we were introduced to the main villain, things got really interesting.  Garraka is an ancient demonic deity that has the power to turn the climate to the coldest temperature. It looked scary and really powerful. 

One critique worth mentioning is the abundance of characters and sub-plots, it's too much, too many. Only a handful of characters had good story arcs, while the rest were left with nothing much to do. I did enjoy seeing those cute little marshmallow army, and Slimer too.  


Overall, fans of the Ghostbusters series are likely to appreciate this latest installment. I would have loved to see more eerie or funny creatures to add more excitement to their ghost-chasing adventures.  

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